Sunday, 29 April 2012

The Results of My Dosha Skin Type Quiz

| Discovering Myself in My Dosha |

This quiz was created by: Dr. Pratima Raichur

·      The symbol  “/”  denotes a separation in between kapha, pitta and vata qualities

·      Questions can be answered with more than one dosha quality

My skin feels: oily, moist, thick and cold.
·      Kapha quality
The pores on my face appear: large and open.
·      Kapha quality
My skin tone is best described as: reddish/yellowish.
·      Pitta and kapha qualities
My complexion is marked by: broken capillaries/ blackheads, and excessive oiliness.
·      Pitta and kapha qualities
My skin appears discolored in spots, such as: reddish pigmentation all over/white or brown pigmentation
·      Pitta and kapha qualities
My skin is generally healthy, but prone to: inflammation, rashes and sunburn/acne and pimples on mouth, chin and neck area.
·      Pitta and kapha qualities
My face is: large, round or square with soft contours.
·      Kapha quality
My eyes are: wide, big, blue, with thick lashes and brows.
·      Kapha quality
My lips are: thick, large, even, firm.
·      Kapha quality
My nose is: average and prone to broken capillaries/thick, large, even and firm.
·      Pitta and kapha qualities
My hair is: moderate, fine, soft and reddish/thick, oily, abundant, dark or light.
·      Pitta and kapha qualities
My fingernails are: thick, oily, smooth, white, strong.
·      Kapha quality
My perspiration is: moderate and cold with sweet smell.
·      Kapha quality
My physical build is: large, well-developed, firm, prone to overweight.
·      Kapha quality
In physical activity, I tend to be: lethargic or slow to start, but strong, with good endurance when I do.
·      Kapha quality
In mental activity, I tend to be: restless, very creative/ambitious, motivated, purposeful, strong-minded, intelligent, disciplined/insightful, slow to grasp, but with good long-term recall.
·      Vata, pitta and kapha qualities
My normal temperament is: changeable, anxious, insecure/quick in passion and attachment, irritable, jealous/calm, romantic, sad, overly attached.
·      Vata, pitta and kapha qualities.
Under stress, I am prone to: fear and worry, hysteria/frustration, jealousy/depression, unresponsiveness, possessiveness.
·      Vata, pitta and kapha qualities
I am particularly sensitive to: cold and damp.
·      Kapha quality
I sometimes suffer from: menstrual cramps, constipation, lower back pain, intestinal gas/sinus congestion, colds, drowsiness, weight gain.
·      Vata and kapha qualities
I currently have one or more of the following skin problems: wrinkles on forehead when anxious/burning of face, eyes or feet/whiteheads, premature lines under eyes, excessive oiliness, cystic acne, deep scars, weight gain, loss of skin tone.
·      Vata, pitta and kapha qualities

As you can see from my answers, I am overwhelmingly a kapha-saturated individual (I will explain more in-depthly what the kapha dosha encompasses in subsequent posts). However, my results also reveal some pitta imbalance in my physical body and a heavy vata influence in my mind and brain activity.
In summary, here is what my quiz results reveal (after tallying the frequency each dosha score appears):

My leading dosha: kapha

My dosha imbalance: kapha-pitta

My normal skin type: oily

My skin condition: imbalanced

Some of your “results” may express physical traits of yourself that you are already familiar with, such as having dry, sensitive or oily skin. However, the quiz allows you to look more closely at your body’s natural processes and perhaps learn things about yourself that you have never paid attention to. One of the major reasons I looked to Ayurveda for skin care was because all my life I have battled what I have always known and experienced: oily, acne-prone skin. I have discovered that it’s not just oily, acne-prone skin that I have, but kapha-influenced skin, in which I need a kapha-pacifying skin regimen and diet to balance the excess that is already present. You will soon see what that looks like.

* Please click here to take the dosha quiz. . This quiz was developed by Dr. Pratima Raichur. Reference Absolute Beauty by Dr. Raichur for a more in-depth quiz and analysis.

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